
What My Clients Say
Just wanted to say thank you for taking the time today to get a full account of the long journey I've had with depression and anxiety. You didn't rush me, and made me feel that I was important. I know there are ways through this and am glad that the journey has started with a counsellor like you.

Male in his 40's
I was really frightened about coming into therapy again due to a bad experience with another therapist when I was still a teenager. I'm so glad I overcame my fear as Suzanne has proved to me that there are really good therapists too! Suzanne, your are a STAR! I will miss our Monday afternoons:)

Female in her 20's
I do believe you have been fantastic and helped me a lot. I am now looking forward to the future and feel much more confident in myself. My family have noticed a change so I can safely say the therapy with you has most definitely helped me.

Male in his 60's with a history of cardiac disease
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